Let’s Play Percent Bingo (Teacher’s Guide!)


In the last post, I introduced Percent Bingo, a favorite of my former students… So, in this post I wanted to go over more of the mechanics of playing the game quickly and efficiently.

Setup and preparation again is the key. Students kept their Percent Bingo sheet in their “Class Folder”, and the class setup was very similar to how I did my Friday Mad Minute:

  • Class Folders passed out before class began
  • Percent Bingo as first item on the Agenda
  • Counting tokens used as markers on desks/tables

Students were trained so that when they came into the room they knew to look at the board. When they got to their seats, their folder was on their desk (or on the way) and they could get out their Percent Bingo Sheet and tokens/markers. Before class began the students are ready to play!

Now, the first few times the student play the game, use the time for review/teaching moments:

  • Review/remind that decimals are converted to percents by multiplying by 100, that is, moving the decimal two places to the right; it doesn’t matter if the decimal is 0.5, 0.05, or 5.
  • Review that fractions can be converted by getting the denominator to 100– (In the Percent Bingo case, all the percents are divisible by 5, so you can always multiply the denominator by a number to get 100). It also doesn’t matter if the fraction is ½ or 3/2, the process is the same.
  • Review that some of the fractions could be simplified. For example, 15/30 can be reduced to ½ first.
  • Review that mixed numbers can be converted to improper fractions first, or even better, thought as 100 % + fractional part (1 ½ = 100% + 50% = 150%).

I also reviewed as I called out the number; I did not have 10 minutes of ‘re-teaching’ and then playing the game…For example, I would call out “0.3… can anyone tell the rest of the class how to convert that to a decimal?”… or, “3/10… who knows what do with this one?”

The best part is that after only two or three times that you play the game, you will not need to review at all, and students will have started committing common fractions (3/5, 4/5, 16/20, etc.) into long term memory.

Download the Percent Bingo Board and Teacher Resources.

Most importantly, Have fun with them, and they will have fun playing the game!

Enjoy playing percent bingo! Your kids will love to play


How to Play with Blocks!

IZS-002 FZ Studying Numbers - 12 pcs

(That is, Using Addition Blocks and Multiplication Blocks to Build Fluency)

There are many apps in the marketplace (some good, some not so good) that already “teach” many topics in math. However, what is lacking are fun and engaging games that were more than glorified speed tests. Addition Blocks and Multiplication Blocks are specifically designed NOT to teach math facts, but to practice–and build fluency. Having said that, these games should not be used to “teach”. This blog will cover some overarching ideas of how to use these games.

(If you are not familiar with either of the apps, watch the short trailer for Addition Blocks or Multiplication Blocks).

I have often repeated The Five Keys to Building Fluency, but for a successful game or activity there are three characteristics:

  • Engagement

The process of building fluency is through repeated exposure to the operations and facts under a time limit with immediate feedback. If we are going to make a serious attempt to build fluency, then the game or activity will need to be engaging, or the kids will not want to play (or feel forced to play)! A good test– If you don’t enjoy playing the game, chances are your student or child will not want to, either.

  • Differentiation

There needs to be differentiation built into the game to meet the child wherever they are in their skills and knowledge– That means being able to change difficulty, speed of the game, or the starting point. If a game is too easy or too hard, the game will be too frustrating or too simple, making the game unplayable.

  • Gradual Increases in Difficulty

The game needs to (gradually) increase in difficulty; this is not only a important concept in any good game, but, also as we attempt to make our kids faster and more accurate. As the player ‘learns’ how to play the game, the game should also become harder– either through more difficult problems or faster speed.

So, how can one use Addition Blocks and Multiplication Blocks effectively? Through Consistency, Monitoring, Feedback, and Patience:

  • Consistency

The games will be much more effective to the student if they play the games 2-3 times each week (not a rule, but a model), and to play for short periods, such as 5-10 minutes at a session. Play the games on the same difficulty level and speed until mastery is achieved… then have the child move from ‘Easy Difficulty’ to ‘Normal’ or from ‘Slow Speed’ to ‘Normal’.

  • Monitoring

Each child will be at their own skill level. If the game is too hard or too easy, the game will not provide the engagement or challenge necessary to keep them playing. If a child does not have the necessary skills (in this case, knowing their facts) yet, Addition Blocks or Multiplication Blocks will only be a source of frustration. Only you will know if they student is playing the games effectively by monitoring what they are doing.

  • Feedback

Let the child know they are improving. Watch their scores and how fast they solve the sums/products. Simple comments “Wow, you’re getting fast at that! Or, “You made it to level 4! Congrats!” can do wonderful things for their confidence and self-efficacy. A part of fluency is knowing that they are correct and the confidence that they know their facts, and not second-guessing.

  • Patience

Rome was not built in a day, and fluency is not built in a week. Using short time periods several times a week over period of months will be much more effective than playing the game each day for 15-30 minutes. The “law of diminishing returns” will come into play if the kids are playing for long periods of time, as the game will lose it’s engagement and they will become bored, then lazy, in their thought processes.

The next major release (Spring 2015) of Addition Blocks/Multiplication Blocks will implement many of these items into the game. The apps will feature up to 30 individual profiles to keep each student’s achievements, scores, and progress. A new ‘Timed’ mode will set the length of the game to a set time (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes). The games will also implement progress monitoring (speed, accuracy, variability) and reporting for teachers and parents (and for the kids) so show and that they really are getting faster!

What have you done as a teacher or parent that has shown to build fluency? Share your stories with us and leave a comment below!