Using the Teacher Portal – Data and Progress Reporting


The new teacher portal by Fluency Games allows teachers to monitor progress and performance asĀ  students use our apps. Teachers will need to create their class roster first, then set up the game options before students can log in. Students must be logged into the game to have the progress information saved to our databases.

To view progress and game data:

Click ‘Manage Students‘ on the left hand menu if you are currently not on that page.


Click the Reports Icon on the right side of the student. The summary report will be displayed for the currently selected product.

Each metric is hyperlinked to a graphical report that will display more individual data. The graph in the example below shows the Pts/Sec for each individual game (in sequence played). Here we can see the student increase, then falls off, then increases, then falls off again, then increases consistently.

This is a typical graph of student using our apps. The teacher changes the settings (increases speed or difficulty) after 4-5 games as the student shows progress and fluency.


The next graph shows the Speed (in seconds) for each individual product from Multiplication Blocks. As the graph shows below, the student, for some reason, had trouble with his ‘9’ and ’16’, and ’18’ products.


For the sums and products graphs, clicking on a specific bar will display the various combinations used by the student to get their answer. The Combinations Graph will also show wrong combinations the students attempted to use.


The Document Icon on the far right of the individual student will create a printer-friendly report that can be shared with the students and parents.


Note: The Bulk Actions icons for Reports and and printable Documents will create reports for all students selected.

Using the Teacher Portal – Student Game Settings


Our new teacher portal allows parents and teachers to monitor progress and performance as your students use our apps. However, before any data can be gathered, teachers must create the student usernames and initial game settings. This first step on how to create a class roster is outlined in the previous post.

Setting up the games is a simple process. Usually, a teacher will set up all the students at one time using the Bulk Actions option. Teachers then differentiate student settings by clicking on the individual’s settings name.

In any case, to create and edit settings for the students:

  1. lick ‘Manage Students‘ on the left hand menu .f you are not currently on the manage students page.manage-students-1c
  2. Verify the product you will be using by clicking on the drop down box from the Bulk Actions row.manage-student-1bv2
  3. Create game settings for all selected students by clicking the Bulk Actions check box, then click the Settings icon.manage-students-2a

    The App-specific settings will be displayed. Change the Speed, Difficulty, Game Mode, and any other options that your students will be primarily using.

    Note: Each of our games also allow teachers to disable changing the options from within the app (only when a student logs into the game). Click the Enable Options Button check box off to prevent your students from changing the game options.

    Additionally, the Strict Errors check box determines how errors while be recorded. Strict Errors means that each time the player makes a mistake, a separate attempts and error is recorded. This will allow the teacher to view how many times a player attempts an answer.

    Turning Strict Errors OFF means that only one attempt and one error will be recorded, now matter how may times the player attempts to answer. This gives a more concrete success-or-failure accuracy score.


  4. Finally, click Save when done. The site will create/update settings for all students in that are currently on the class roster.manage-students-3v2

Click on an individual student’s settings icon to differentiate speed, difficulty, or mode options, as needed.

Now, when your students log in to the game (on any device) the options for that game is automatically loaded.

The next post will cover the data and progress reporting.